Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Melting Pot No More

One of the most controversial topics right is if The United States of America should allow refugees. We are known as “land of the free” so why are we going to deny people the right to come here just because they are from Syria? America was started off immigration and we are a melting pot of people from all over the world. It is wrong to deny someone the chance to come here. In fact, all of these governors should be looking at the images of the refugees and what they have to go through. How could someone be okay with themselves for letting innocent lives be taken? The thought of innocent children, women, and men being killed makes me sick to my stomach. Technically the states can’t not allow the refugees to come here.
                The governors and government officials definitely need to step it up and state helping the Syrian refugees. All of the counties need to come together to help each other out. The United Nations was created to help ensure peace and a mutual understanding between the counties. Therefore we need to come together to help the Syria refugees find a safe place to live their lives. The governors are trying to say that if they allow refugees into their state that they are basically letting terrorist walk right in their front door. Excuse my French but that is bullshit, that is an excuse that they are using. The Syrian refugees are just as afraid of ISIS as everyone else in the world, yet we seem to not care about that.

1 comment:

Stephane Coker said...

I do not agree that everyone has the “right” to come to the U.S. for asylum. In war torn countries, individuals should still be subjected to the process of background checks, interviews, etc.

The problem is no longer simply about aiding refugees in need of asylum. It’s about protecting the American people who are subjected to harm from offering asylum to Syrian refugees, in the chance that a terrorist might slip through. It is devastating to see the effects of war, and what the refugees endure on a daily basis, however women and children cannot be discounted as a potential threat. ISIS has been using women and children for years to commit violent acts.

Furthermore, I think that it is out of context to say that the governors, who are voicing out their concerns of having refugees relocated in their states, are condemning all refugees as terrorists. That is simply not the case; their concern is not for the refugees as a whole, but the individuals who make it past all of the screenings that are indeed gaining entry to cause harm. Even with the strict processes a refugee must go through in order to seek asylum in the United States, it is still highly possible for an “unknown” member of ISIS to enter as a wolf among sheep.